How to Avoid The Great Diabetes and Blood Sugar Rip-Off

Take control of your health with the following all-natural, scientifically proven remedies that reverse type 2 diabetes in 30 days or less ... it all starts with 1 weird spice you probably have in your kitchen right now

Dear Reader,

Discover which key ingredient in these pastries has the power to control your blood sugar fast.

These are cinnamon rolls.

And in just a few minutes you’ll find out how these tasty pastries contain a real ingredient that reverses type 2 diabetes.

Before I reveal this and the other scientifically proven natural remedies you could be using right now to reverse your own diabetes, let me be perfectly clear ... if you have type 2 diabetes, if you have pre-diabetes, or if you love someone who does - this information is for you.

Because right now you’re probably frustrated about your diabetes. Perhaps even a little scared. Maybe you’re already suffering from some of the uncomfortable symptoms that are caused by diabetic drugs.

Many diabetics are plagued with poor circulation and vision problems, both a constant reminder that they’re in danger and that their health is like a ticking bomb just waiting to go off.

The complications of diabetes are scary, embarrassing, and debilitating

Maybe you worry you’re going to suffer from neuropathy, lose your vision to glaucoma, or even need to have fingers, toes, or even limbs amputated.

It’s a scary place to be.

So make sure you stick with me here to the end of this short letter to discover the weird natural remedies that reverse type 2 diabetes in as little as 30 days - or less - without taking insulin, sticking yourself with needles, and definitely without ever having to take even more dangerous meds that destroy your body’s natural healing response system.

You’ll also discover 3 dangerous but common doctor recommendations you absolutely must avoid if you want to reverse your diabetes for good

Your body is trying to heal itself...the following "bad habits" and careless medical advice are the only things preventing your body from completing its healing cycle.

My name is Lon and I’m writing you today for one reason and one reason only: to reveal the breakthrough, all-natural, anti-diabetes solution you MUST see to believe.

Just a bit of fair warning: I really have no idea how long this information will be online.

We’re giving away so much free and hard-to-find diabetes remedy tips and tricks that we may end up making this a paid website, so read this now, while it’s still online for free.

If that’s okay with you, then let’s get right to it...

You may think you’ve seen and heard it all when it comes to diabetes remedies, yet I can guarantee you that you’ve never seen all of these little-known, safe, natural diabetes remedies before. This is entirely different. It’s nothing like the popular diabetes remedy products, books, or programs you may have seen or even tried, so prepare to be shocked by what I reveal to you today because...

What I’m sharing will finally allow you the freedom to reverse your diabetes without cramping your lifestyle

These are without a doubt some of our best diabetes remedy secrets.

This is how to make sure you get the reduced blood sugar levels you desire quickly, painlessly, and in a unique way that’s actually fun and easy to do.

First, I need to tell you a story, a story that seems kind of dramatic, yet it’s one you absolutely need to hear because it will reveal more about how you too can reverse your diabetes than anything I know.


First I need you to completely understand...

Diabetes has quickly become a National Health Crisis

Here's some data from the 2017 National Diabetes Statistics Report, compiled by the Center for Disease Control (CDC):

  • 30.3 million children and adults have diabetes.
  • 23.1 million have been diagnosed.
  • 7.2 million are undiagnosed.
  • 84.1 million adults have pre-diabetes.
  • 23.1 million seniors aged 65 and older have pre-diabetes.

This plague is a $245 billion dollar problem for America alone...

And it’s getting worse all over the world with the spread of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

The only good news is that it’s totally preventable and better - reversible

But you can ONLY prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes if you attack the underlying reason that’s causing it. In less than 4 weeks from now - with the specific and unique home remedies we’ve discovered - you can take control of your health once and for all.

Now before I get to your solution, let’s get a few things straight...

You might be the victim of a lot of misinformation.

Medications like this will NOT cure you. They can’t even prevent you from having a heart attack or stroke. ONly the natural remedies in this report have the power to heal and keep you healthy.

And if you’re frustrated with your diabetes diagnosis, if you’re tired of sticking yourself with needles, if you’re tired of taking expensive and dangerous drugs, if you’re sick to death of eating bland, tasteless, and boring food, all while seeing no results, this is the most important information you’ve ever received.

Because if you’ve ever worried about the possibility of your diabetes causing a heart attack, blindness, stroke or amputations ... or any of the other horrible side effects of this disease, you MUST pay close attention to the following information.

You CAN stop and reverse type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, Syndrome X, and other blood sugar woes once and for all. And you can do it in 4 weeks or less.

Best of all...

When you complete this simple, fun, and powerful system, your doctor will confirm you have reversed this deadly disease

Remember earlier I mentioned the 3 doctor recommended treatments you should avoid if you want to reverse your type 2 diabetes?

Let me tell you what they are and - more important - why you should avoid them.

This anatomical chart shows how glucose can remain in your blood instead of feeding your starved cells. Discover how to correct this imbalance right here!

First, a quick lesson. When you have diabetes, your blood glucose levels are too high. This is because glucose remains in your blood instead of entering cells, where it belongs. Now, for glucose to get into a cell you need insulin, and your cells have to be “hungry” for glucose. If you have type 1 diabetes, you just don’t make insulin. Conventional wisdom tells us that means insulin shots are the only way to keep your blood glucose levels down to normal.

If you have type 2 diabetes you have two problems: First, you don’t make quite enough insulin, and second, the cells of your body don’t take in glucose as eagerly as they should.

Which is why you’ve been told you need medical treatment to control your blood sugar.


That leads us to the 3 conventional treatments you MUST avoid if you want to reverse your type 2 diabetes

Treatment #1: Oral Medication

The first line of treatment by the medical community is, of course, pills. You can only use pills to manage your diabetes if you have type 2 diabetes. Yet these pills, work best along with meal planning and exercise.

In just a moment, you’re going to see why you can easily omit pills from this equation and focus solely on meal planning and exercise to reverse your condition.

First, I want you to be aware that diabetes pills don’t work for everyone.

Another important thing to know is diabetes pills - like Metformin - sometimes stop working after a while. And the most interesting part is nobody knows why. Even worse, you might still need to take insulin, and pills may not control your blood glucose levels during stressful times.

You see, stress can cause blood glucose levels to skyrocket.

Treats Root Cause? NO

Treatment #2: Insulin Therapy

Insulin is a body hormone made by the pancreas. People with diabetes are prescribed insulin, either because their bodies don’t produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) or don’t use insulin properly (type 2 diabetes).

And really - if your body doesn’t use insulin properly why would they prescribe MORE insulin? That’s like refilling a cup you haven’t been able to drink from!

Here’s why the mainstream medical community says you may need insulin treatment:

  • Your blood glucose levels are too high
  • You’ve had diabetes for awhile
  • You’re on other medications that interfere with insulin uptake
  • Your overall, general health indicates the need

But why - why do you need to inject it?

You can’t take insulin as a pill because it would get broken down during digestion, so it has to be injected into the fat underneath your skin. That’s the only way for it to get into your blood.

You must be very careful with the timing and dosage of your insulin. Taking the wrong amount or taking it at the wrong time can cause problems. Many people don’t like having to always carry insulin, and I think it’s safe to say that none of us like sticking ourselves with needles!

Treats Root Cause? NO

Treatment #3: Other Injections

Besides insulin, there are two other injection drugs used to treat diabetes. Symlin is a synthetic form of the hormone Amylin. Amylin is produced along with insulin. Amylin, insulin, and another hormone, glucagon, work together to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Byetta is the first in a new class of drugs called incretin mimetics. Byetta is a synthetic version of a naturally-occurring hormone that was first discovered in the saliva of the lizard we know as the Gila monster. No joke!

Treats Root Cause? NO

And even if you’re okay with injecting synthetic chemicals and lizard spit...

You cannot use these treatments along with insulin

While these drugs have been shown to be helpful, remember they are new drugs. We don’t know any of their long-term effects, and since they cannot be taken at the same time as insulin, they make life complicated, risky, and confusing.

As you can see, traditional medical approaches come with a lot of questions and uncertainty. Plus even if you did everything as instructed and by the medical book, you could never hope to reverse your diabetes or cure it.

This is Joe Barton. He grew tired of the mainstream medicine that fails to treat the root cause of diabetes. So he found a better solution and - with your permission - will happily share it with you today.

These treatments were created for the purpose of “required maintenance.” In other words - you must use them faithfully for the rest of your shortened life.

The good news for you is not only did we figure out how to reverse your diabetes and eliminate drugs and needles, we figured out how to do it naturally, safely, and quickly. So I invite you to keep reading...


Here at Barton Publishing we’re really a lot like you.

We’re everyday people who just so happen to be committed to helping others overcome illness and disease. And because of our experience helping many thousands of people put an end to their pain – I know we can help you too.

In fact, that brings me to a point. We’ve discovered a blueprint ... a diabetes solution that finally allows regular folks like you:

  • Return your blood sugar levels to normal in just four weeks (without dangerous drugs, strenuous exercise, or weird diets).
  • Lower your insulin dosage – or even eliminate insulin altogether – with your astounded doctor’s approval.
  • Remedy the root cause of your diabetes, instead of just treating the symptoms (which is what traditional methods do, often with fatal results).

And if you haven’t already gathered...

Drugs and traditional treatments are dangerous at their worst and futile at best

But the solution I’m about to reveal is more effective than drugs and much safer too.

With this one simple system you can completely reverse type 2 diabetes, using home remedies and your body’s natural healing systems!

No more dizzying side-effects.

By the way, it’s so inexpensive it might as well be free. And once you realize how much you’ve saved in medical fees, you’ll realize it’s better than free.

Best of all...

Patients and ex-diabetics all over the world have proven this system to be simple and easy to use.

You can do this! You can look and feel as if you were genetically gifted, and as if you were never sick to begin with ... all by simply reversing your diabetes in as little as 4 weeks - or less.

This all-natural “Solution Kit” is so powerful that it’s guaranteed to work

Obviously this is the new way of treating diabetes, where YOU get to live needle-free without expensive, dangerous drugs, and change your entire life.

I’ll cover all the specifics and details with you in just a few minutes so stick with me...

First, you absolutely MUST be told the truth.

You have to know about the real problem, the real reason you’re struggling with diabetes today. And it will surprise you because it’s the one thing that’s been holding you back from getting away from the pills and sharp, jabbing needles.

It’s also the reason why so many folks have failed to cure their own diabetes for years. Remember: pills and injections were never designed to cure you.

So the real problem is the fact that you’ve been lied to for years, and these lies are keeping you from the pain-free, diabetes-free life you want and deserve.

Once you stop believing the lies and accept the real truth contained in this letter, you can once again enjoy your life the way it was meant to be!

Lies, lies, and more lies...

One of these lies is that you have to take the pills or the needle.

I bet you’ve heard that or maybe even believed this at one point in your life. Yet, this is not even close to the truth. If you’re one of the millions who fell victim to this lie, then you must decide now to believe the truth instead because, if you don’t, you’ll continue down the road of suffering.

Your pills and needles, with their side effects and pain, can make you worse - grinding your body’s natural healing process to a screeching, dead stop in its tracks. And eventually, no matter how strong you are, you simply give up. You give up on the dream of wiping diabetes out and living a normal life.

Listen, this is not what I want for you, and I know YOU don’t want it. The lies you’ve been fed are the reasons why your struggle with diabetes is not your fault. Don’t blame yourself. Blame the big pharmaceutical companies who peddle pills for profit.

You’ve been bombarded for almost as long as you’ve been alive with false, misleading claims from these crooks, and they depend on your suffering to make a buck. All the misinformation out there that the big pharma industry loves to exploit is enough to confuse anybody. It confused me for years!

But it will be your fault if you ignore what I’m sharing with you now.

That’s why right now it’s do or die ... crunch time ... and...

High-time for the naked truth

The truth is, you should never, ever just accept that you must take these dangerous drugs, even for a few days.


The side effects are often worse than the disease itself, plus the relief they bring is short-lived and diminishes over time.

Now, there’s on final lie I must expose. And this one is the grand-daddy of all the diabetes lies. The lie that you have to just accept this disease and adapt to your limitations. Well, guess again...

A sensible diet, moderate exercise, and this proven Anti-diabetes system is all you need to create the healthy environment that lets your body heal naturally!

This is as wrong as it gets.

If you believe this lie, let me tell you what will happen to you: your pain and agony will increase, without an end in sight. Your hope and joy will slowly die out. And of course diabetes increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, neuropathy, glaucoma, and even blindness or amputation.

Well, just like that first nasty lie, there’s some good news. You are not to blame because the real villains here are the same crooks who sold you the first lie.

To be clear, Big Pharma’s okay when they help. But the sad fact is...

Big Pharma companies don’t know squat about curing your diabetes

That’s because most of them have never looked for safe, natural remedies, or healing foods; and I’d guess NONE understand the power and principles behind alternative health remedies.

Now that you know the problem – that your healing has been held back because of the lies you’ve been told – let’s dive into the specific tips I promised you today.

These are the same tips that countless thousands have used to successfully achieve the diabetes-free life they want and deserve.

You can too.

The most important of these tips is our famous “weird spice kitchen cabinet remedy.”

This secret remedy is not at all complicated. You only need to focus on three things.

First, you absolutely need to know about the one thing you must avoid if you want to reverse your diabetes. Actually, this is not really going to surprise you. You must improve your diet by eliminating foods high in processed sugar and carbs. Avoid refined sugars, breads, and most “white stuff.”

You don’t have to go crazy - so much of this is easy. Just cut out the obvious stuff, like ice cream and sugary soda. Just doing this one tip will help you begin to lower your blood sugar quickly and easily.

Picture it ... you make this small change, and without sacrificing other foods you enjoy, you’re on your way to a diabetes-free life. Isn’t that an awesome thing to imagine, all from such a simple tip?

Happier and healthier. You CAN do this! Reverse type 2 diabetes in as little as 4 short weeks! Amazing!

Of course, you might wonder how you can do this, especially if you’ve tried to control your eating and failed.

Here’s the good news...

90% of controlling what you eat is your mindset

When you know how to make this internal shift in your thinking – and it’s easy – you’ll find this first step to be easy as well.

Now, how would you like to actually enjoy taking the simple steps it takes to reverse your diabetes and make you feel great, like you once did?

You could if you take advantage of this next trick ... and you’ll also improve your general health. All you need is a simple lifestyle change – not a diet or a crazy exercise, but just one thing: a pen and paper.

I want you to write down 5 foods you know are good for you and that you enjoy, just 5 for now. Foods that are high in nutrients and low in fat and sugar, like low-fat cheese, yogurt, milk, or lean beef.

Vegetables you enjoy, chicken, and beans. Come on, there are thousands of great-tasting foods that are good for you, and you already know what they are.

Once you have your list, your next task is super easy. Refuse to eat foods except the good ones you love.

This sounds very obvious, but guess what? Most people believe that they have to give up all good foods and eat only the ones they hate to control diabetes. That’s why we’ve compiled a complete shopping list of diabetes-healing foods for you. But more about that in a minute ... and it gets even better, by the way because...

Here comes the really big, massive, crucial tip

Now, here’s another warning. Without using this last Tip, you can forget about those other tips helping you reverse your diabetes.

This is the tip that will allow you to live life just like when you didn’t have diabetes at all, while still enjoying as much of many of your favorite foods as you want. It’s our exclusive weird, and now famous, kitchen cabinet remedy.

Free from diabetes. Imagine ... you may already have a couple of these powerful remedies in your kitchen right NOW.

At Barton Publishing, we’ve become well-known for discovering weird remedies for many modern ailments. Best part of that is you may already have the ingredients for many of these in your own kitchen cabinet.

And don’t worry if you don’t already have some or all of the following ingredients. You can get them easily and cheaply at your grocery store or local health food market.

Reverse your diabetes and the underlying problems that cause it. Before you wake up tomorrow, that process can begin, using a unique home remedy we’ve discovered.

Here’s one of our most powerful remedies that has become famous because of the program I’m telling you about right now.

We call it “The Double C” diabetes remedy...

Here’s a hint. Remember earlier I promised to show you how those tasty pastries contain a key ingredient that reverses diabetes?

Well, here’s the deal. The secret ingredient in those cinnamon rolls is...cinnamon.

While I don’t recommend you consume your cinnamon in the form of pastries, I do recommend you add this spice to your diet. It’s been scientifically proven to help metabolize glucose and to fight free radical damage to your cells.

Even better, studies show cinnamon also lowers cholesterol, protects against heart disease and metabolic syndrome. It seems too good to be true that this delicious and familiar spice is a diabetes super-nutrient, but research over the last 5 years validates the magic.

So what's the second "C" in our Double C Diabetes Remedy? Here it is - chromium picolinate. The University of Maryland Medical Center performed several significant studies on the effects chromium picolinate has on patients with diabetes. The results showed chromium was able to lower blood sugar levels AND reduce the amount of insulin some patients with diabetes needed .

In one study, blood sugar levels were measured after patients ate white bread – both with and without a dose of chromium picolinate. Those who took the supplement showed a 23% reduction in blood sugar – even after eating the carbohydrate-rich bread!

In another double-blind placebo-controlled study, people with type 2 diabetes who took chromium had better A1c values than those who took the placebo. The group taking chromium also had better fasting blood glucose levels.

What chromium appears to do is help insulin stick to the cell walls so your insulin receptors can take up glucose again - just as if you never had type 2 diabetes in the first place!

Treats Root Cause? YES!

WARNING: You have to be careful with chromium. You need to make sure your blood sugar doesn’t get too low.

Using cinnamon and chromium together in the correct combination is...

The cornerstone to our entire natural solution system for diabetes

You’re going to be delighted to see this complete step-by-step program that our customers are raving about ... clinically proven to relieve your diabetes using safe, natural, tired-and-true home remedies and treatments.

Best of all - you don’t need to search any further.

We’ve done all the work FOR you. All you need to do is check out the reports, put this vital information to use, and get on with enjoying your life again. No more miseries of diabetes. This kit will help arm you with the necessary tools to control the adverse effects of the disease through proper diet, natural remedies, and preventative treatments.

When you take the first step to educate yourself about diabetes, you will begin to realize...

A lifetime of health that will not only help you with diabetes, but will have a positive impact on your entire future

Okay, that was a lot to cover, and you may be feeling overwhelmed or confused, and that’s okay - I’m going to clear it up for you in one sentence.

You have two choices on where you go from here.

Choice #1: NOT Recommended: Take the information in this letter, forget about it, and go back to finger pricking, dangerous pills, and insulin shots. Sure you'll stay alive. BUT FOR HOW LONG ... and is that the quality of life you really deserve?

Choice #2: Recommended: Enjoy life again and join the thousands of successful ex-diabetics today. Use the quickest, easiest, and smartest way to get the relief and healing you need for a longer, healthier, and higher quality of life by treating the root cause of your diabetes. Again - we've already done the work FOR you. All you have to do is follow a simple plan for success. Best of all - your success is guaranteed ... more on that in a moment...

Why start from scratch and try to reinvent the wheel when we’ve laid out your exact, step-by-step blueprint for reversing your diabetes already? One that’s been tested for years ... one that’s responsible for countless thousands of our customers living diabetes-free and healed of diabetes at last, without needles or dangerous expensive drugs and their side effects.

Here’s what the vast majority of our clients, who had diabetes or diabetes-like symptoms, choose:

The Diabetes Solution Kit

The Diabetes Solution Kit is the first all-natural diabetes remedy plan ever created that allows you to reverse diabetes!

This radically simple plan will work for you, even if you have high sugar, a lot of excess weight, diabetes complications, type 2 diabetes, a family history of diabetes, or even if you think you’ve tried everything else and failed.

Now, let me tell you what The Diabetes Solution Kit is not, just so you know exactly what you’re about to experience. This is not yet another flaky cure or miracle pill plan. This is not some “put magnets on your nose” solution that promises something silly, like “realign your chakras” or something ridiculous like that.

You’ve been lied to long enough. It’s time for a solution that works without the gimmicks. And this is definitely not a Big Pharma approach that can harm your body forever.

Rather, The Diabetes Solution Kit is the result of years of study, analyzing the most successful long-term diabetes remedy case research ever, as well as looking at the real reasons behind diabetes remedies failures.

And now, starting today, their success can be your success, too. The success patterns we studied and repeatedly duplicated give you the ability to live a perfectly normal life without needles and pills ... and finally reclaim the true-health you absolutely deserve.

Before we go any further, it’s only fair that I be absolutely 100% honest with you. If you’re looking for that “magic pill” diabetes answer, or if you want just another new-age diabetes remedy fad, or some other plan that you already know will never, ever work for you, then leave this page now.

This program is for men and women who are ready to put down the flaky answers, yet still want the most proven way to achieve long-term diabetes remedy success.

In short, there are no easy answers, yet we’ve made this diabetes remedy plan as easy as it can get. So if you’re wanting the real thing that works to reverse your diabetes, then here’s what you can expect...

A completely different approach to total, life-long, Vibrant Health

  • Discover the truth about diabetes and its laundry list of treatments – both traditional and alternative – that are available
  • How to improve your diet by eliminating common foods that will always harm you.
  • The correct way to supplement your diet with little-known, diabetes-targeted vitamins and herbs.
  • Erase the debilitating effects diabetes could have on your future health and wellness like neuropathy, blindness, amputations, and heart disease.
  • Imagine ... the end of dangerous pills, jabbing needles, and the stigma and humiliation of having diabetes.

You see, The Diabetes Solution Kit isn’t just “a” system for you, it is the ONLY system you’ll ever need.

And this amazing system took 5 years to complete ... in just a second, I’m going to tell you what you get and how to get it...

Before I do that, let me share some customer experiences with you because if you’re like me, you want to know the truth about products as serious as The Diabetes Solution Kit before you use it for yourself.

Here are a few words from some of our other satisfied customers...

"In 6 days, my morning blood sugar dropped from 136 to 87, averaging over the next 5 days at 89, no higher than 94. Plus, I dropped 8 pounds too. Wow."

Maxi V.

"I've been type 2 for 5 years. I read your Diabetes Solution Kit because I got help from your Kidney Stone Report. I lowered my blood sugar almost immediately."

Homer R.

"Why The Diabetes Solution Kit? Simplicity of understanding, practicality and low cost plus your excellent daily follow-up and ENCOURAGEMENT!"

Patrick D.

"I was very impressed with you, your mission, and the quality of the material. I have never before experienced such dedication to the health and well being of customers by a company."

Eva F.

"In 6 weeks I have lost about 15 lbs. and my fasting blood sugar levels have fallen from average 125-130 to 90-100. I have even been able to reduce the amount of oral diabetes medications I have been taking."

Donald H.

"I am very pleased with the results I have been getting on my blood sugars. I was having sugars of 150 to 180 I am now running between 92 to 120. And I was surprised that It has not been hard to eat the right things, and take the supplements as recommended. I am also losing weight, every little pound helps the image!"

Lucille L.

"WOW! AMAZING ! FANTASTIC! What more can I say than that?? Doctor said I had diabetes, Put me on Metformin two tablets twice daily. It wasn't enough, my blood sugar was always over 200, even after taking the prescription drug. After reading this report, and taking action I am no longer using Metformin. My blood sugar hangs at around 92. I feel so much better.. And the amazing thing of all this is... I feel better, and the red blotches in my legs are fading away too. Yes.. I am very very happy with this report, and would encourage everyone to purchase the report, to give to friends or family.. It is definitely a life saver."

Trudy M.

"The first week I lost four pounds and my average morning sugar numbers came down from 144 to 112 and my blood pressure dropped from 144/90 to 125/75 so I'm very happy and can see that I will be able to achive my goals on this program. Thanks!"

John L.

"First of all, I want to thank you so much for sending me the e-mail about The Diabetes Solution Kit!!! I was feeling hopeless about my type 2 diabetes. The doctor put me on the medications and I became very ill with many, many side effects. I took myself off the med's because I'd rather feel good for a shorter life than feel so ill for a longer life. While I was on vacation, I received your e-mail about The Diabetes Solution Kit...I ordered right away. I've been on your plan for one and a half weeks and as of this morning I have lost 7 lbs and my blood sugar was down to 99. It's been 5 years since they told me I have diabetes 2 and for the first time you have given me HOPE! Thank You Much!"

Patricia M.

Now let’s get your success story up there too because...

Finally - the lies stop here ... “this is the real deal”

Take a look at all you get in your fully digital, instant download package today:

First, you get Natural Remedies for Diabetes, a Comprehensive Guide to the latest breakthrough natural treatments for diabetes. These treat the root cause of diabetes unlike the prescription drugs that just barely keep you alive.

The Low Blood Sugar Cookbook gives you tasty recipes that fill you up without spiking your sugar. You'll be thrilled to see how well you can actually eat and STILL put your diabetes on ice.

The Carb Counting Cheat Sheet. One thing experts agree on is that carbs are bad. So you need a done-for-you way to reduce your carb intake and effectively - you blood sugar levels. The Carb Counting Cheat Sheet is like the Cliff's Notes for reversing diabetes! See how easy it can be to finally knock out diabetic enemy #1.

Diabetic Grocery List. Finally, you may have wondered what foods to buy. Where to buy them. And which raw foods are better for you than others. It's all right here in your new Grocery List. Let it take all the guesswork out of shopping - AND save you time and money in the process.

You also get Your Personal Meal and Exercise Planner. Following this plan is a breeze. And it easily becomes a routine you can trust to crush your diabetes symptoms while reversing their ill-effects. Plans that are simple, safe, and effective for the treatment of your diabetes.

Diabetes Reversal Resource Guide. Although the information in the above books is thoroughly researched, tested, and proven, it's good to have a full listing of resources that can make your journey to excellent health faster and more complete. Use this guide to find them.

All of the above comes together - in one convenient, digital download package so you can begin reversing your diabetes immediately.

Designed to give you incredible results faster - starting NOW

As you’ve probably noticed by now, The Diabetes Solution Kit is by far the easiest anti-diabetes treatment to follow, as it allows you to reverse your diabetes cheaply, safely, and easily ... giving YOU back your control ... and freedom to live your life the way you’ve always wanted.

The results come fast, too...

In fact, many Diabetes Solution Kit users report that they get their diabetes reversed in as little as 30 days - some even less. And that’s pretty amazing, considering they’re seeing these results and experiencing this transformation while living a normal life.

Now, you may believe that a system that can do all this for you would cost a pretty penny, and honestly it really should. After all, this system has helped thousands of folks just like you reverse their type 2 diabetes quickly.

The Diabetes Solution Kit package sells for $58.97 – bottom line - worth every penny ... but I’m about to let you in on one final secret today...

Because I believe YOU deserve a fighting chance against diabetes...

And taking prescription drugs is NOT the way to defeat this formidable foe...

The only way you can successfully reverse type 2 diabetes and help minimize the amount of insulin needed for type 1 is by using the proven techniques found in The Diabetes Solution Kit.

Of course, you could choose to just continue on the path you’re on right now, and pay 10, 20, maybe even 100 times the cost of the Kit in the near future with more expensive drugs, medical care, etc.

And let’s not even talk about the deadly heart problems, strokes, and other complications that will eventually happen if you just keep doing what you’re doing now. That isn’t what I want for you.

So let’s make this decision really easy for you, okay?

Save time AND money - claim your copy of The Diabetes Solution Kit today and a mighty big discount too...

Stop throwing your heard-earned money away on dangerous drugs that could cause you more harm than good.

You’ve already seen how The Diabetes Solution Kit can save you time ... now let me show you how it will save you money too.

First, I feel you deserve to know why I’m about to offer you such a massive discount today, so let me share my dream with you...

It’s not just my dream, it’s really a cause that I’m inviting you to join, along with thousands of other folks just like you who are ready to re-invent their health, re-invigorate their life, and replace dangerous drugs with healthy, safe, alternative kitchen cabinet remedies, and above all, to share that new health with you.

A few years ago, we here at Barton Publishing set an inspiring goal. We dedicated our company to helping people heal their bodies and keep their Vibrant Health for life.

Since then, we’ve helped thousands and thousands do more than just get healed. Yet, we thought that was a great start because that’s thousands upon thousands healed, saved, and delivered from suffering.

Can you imagine it? How much joy that would create? How many happier kids that would make? How many other people would be inspired by this cause?

So here’s...

The bottom line for YOU today

Bottom line: you CAN reverse your diabetes the fast, easy, and inexpensive way with the Diabetes Solution Kit.

We decided that we absolutely need to let as many folks as possible join in this cause, a cause that we call our mission.

The good news?

That means a much lower price for you, because I want you to join the cause, and I will not let finances stop you. So let’s add your healing to the cause, starting right now.

So today you will not be paying the retail value of The Diabetes Solution Kit - not even close.

Your investment today will not be $58.97, not even half of that ... not even $29.49.

Your total investment today – to claim YOUR copy of the fully digital, downloadable version of The Diabetes Solution Kit System – is now only one easy payment of just $19.97.

Listen, don’t even decide right now. Take advantage of our unconditional 365-day guarantee.

Just try The Diabetes Solution Kit System for yourself for a full 365 days – a whole year!

If you don’t reverse your diabetes as you expect in those 365 days, or if you don’t see immediate relief, or even if you just don’t like the font face we used, you name it – we’ll gladly refund every penny.


Remember - you get instant access to the entire Kit so you can download the information and get started immediately.

And if you act now, it’s all yours for just one payment of only $19.97.

But before you do that, let me show you 2 other popular package options that we’ve put together for you...

NOW - choose from 3 special packages
(and one has a FREE surprise!)

Most people will tell you that the idea of reading all 6 of these incredible reports on their computers or mobile devices is a little overwhelming .

We get that.

Sometimes you just want to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good read ... or listen to an audio book in the car, at work, or even while going for a relaxing walk at the end of the day.

So we’ve come up with 2 other amazing packages for you to choose from...

I’m proud to be able to offer you - in addition to the digital copy - a digital + print package ... and for a limited time, a digital, print, AND audio book package so you can enjoy all the diabetes destroying power of the Kit anywhere!

Plus each package is STILL well below the actual retail value of The Diabetes Solution Kit...

See them all and take your pick below...

Best Value!

Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant access to download the Diabetes Solution Kit right now.


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Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant download & printed book shipped to you of the Diabetes Solution Kit.

$39.97 plus S&H

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Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant access to download the Diabetes Solution Kit, audiobook, plus a printed book shipped right to your door.

$39.97 plus S&H

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What the doctor orders...

You’ve heard from everyday men and women, folks just like you who’ve seen incredible success with The Diabetes Solution Kit. Now, let’s hear from the expert.

This is Dr. Scott Saunders, a medical doctor and recognized expert in the treatment of diabetes.

Dr. Scott Saunders left the UCLA Medical System so he could treat patients HIS way - almost completely drug-free!

He says,

“As a medical doctor with over 10 years of research in the field of nutritional and alternative medicine, I’ve seen a great deal of misinformation. As I’ve read through the reports by Barton Publishing, I’ve been impressed by how well-researched and comprehensive these reports are.

There is no hype or pushing a specific type of therapy, just well-researched alternative treatments and some anecdotes. People are different, so there are a variety of ways to heal illnesses. These reports take this into account, giving you many options and providing the information you need to heal yourself and be independent of drugs and experts.”

Wow, thanks, Dr. Saunders.

Scroll down, choose your package, and click your "Add to Cart" button now to claim your discounted price.

You’ll be granted immediate access to The Diabetes Solution Kit.

Best Value!

Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant access to download the Diabetes Solution Kit right now.


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Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant download & printed book shipped to you of the Diabetes Solution Kit.

$39.97 plus S&H

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Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant access to download the Diabetes Solution Kit, audiobook, plus a printed book shipped right to your door.

$39.97 plus S&H

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We kindly accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express

Immediately after your order you need to download your first book, the Natural Remedies for Diabetes. Then flip to the first page to begin your healing process.

  • Remember, you’ll also be receiving the complete new edition of Natural Remedies for Diabetes. This is your easy-to-follow formula for a lifestyle-friendly diabetes remedy system that incorporates all the healing cures every week.
  • You’ll also be getting Your Personal Meal and Exercise Planner, so you can immediately increase your pain relief, the lowering of your blood sugar, and your overall healing.
  • You’ll also get the Grocery List, a book that will save you a fortune in groceries and supplements.
  • And you’ll be receiving the Carb-Counting Cheat Sheet, your secret weapon for staying on track with the plan, without having to think about carbs or count them, because we’ve done it for you.
  • And you’ll get our super-bonus, The Diabetes Reversal Resource Guide, a massive all-in-one reference that contains all of the information in all of our other reports, compiled into one convenient handy resource guide.

Do not put this off one second longer. Here’s why. First, as you recall, we lowered the price by over half, so you can just jump in right now. Eventually though, we’re going to raise that price back up to where it really deserves to be, so act now before that happens.

And let’s not forget, unless you take action now, today, you may never take action. You may do what some people do and put it off, just a few more days, which will turn into a few more months, then a few more years.

So let’s make sure you get what you really want and do the only smart thing you can do. Take advantage of this limited-time offer while you still can, and wisely get on the right path to a sane, simple, and friendly journey to reversing your diabetes today.

Now it’s time for you to do what you know is right. Choose your package below and click the corresponding Add to Cart Button ... so you can get started now.

Best Value!

Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant access to download the Diabetes Solution Kit right now.


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Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant download & printed book shipped to you of the Diabetes Solution Kit.

$39.97 plus S&H

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Diabetes Solution Kit

Instant access to download the Diabetes Solution Kit, audiobook, plus a printed book shipped right to your door.

$39.97 plus S&H

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We kindly accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express

Research References

  1. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD. "Spotlight on Reversing and Preventing Diabetes." November, 2005.
  2. National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2011. "Complications of Diabetes in the United States." 2011.
  3. Dr. Scott Saunders, MD. "Type 2 Diabetes the Fastest Growing Disease in the West." Senior Living. February, 2012.
  4. American Diabetes Association. "Statistics about Diabetes." January 26, 2011.
  5. American Diabetes Association. "Type 1 Diabetes."
  6. American Diabetes Association. "Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes." January 4, 2014.
  7. Mayo Clinic. "Treatment and Drugs." January 25, 2013.
  8. American Diabetes Association. "Diabetes Myths." January, 2014.
  9. Nancy Klobassa Davidson, R.N. and Peggy Moreland, R.N. "Stress, Illness and High Blood Sugar." April 3, 2013.
  10. American Diabetes Association. "What About Insulin?" January 3, 2014.
  11. H. Peter Chase, MD. University of Denver. "Understanding Diabetes: Chapter 4, Type 2 Diabetes." 2006.
  12. American Diabetes Association. "Amylin Agonists: A Novel Approach in the Treatment of Diabetes." May 2004.
  13. American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Spectrum. "Glucose Metabolism and Regulation: Beyond Insulin. 2004.
  14. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. "Incretin Mimetic Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes." 2013.
  15. RxList. "Byetta." 2012.
  16. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. "Exenatide (marketed as Byetta) Information." 2009.
  17. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. "Connection Between Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke?" August, 2013.
  18. American Diabetes Association. "Grains and Starchy Vegetables." December, 2013.
  19. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. "Eat Right."
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